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Nutrition for Health and Performance

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This site is dedicated to the presentation of nutritional information for health and performance. The information presented here is gleaned from experts in the field and peer-reviewed published research. Also presented are useful news and information and assessment of nutritional trends. I hope you enjoy what you see.

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Nutritional News

What to Eat and The OmniHeart Diet StudyThe OmniHeart Study compared high carbohydrate ane high protein diets. (not extreme). The results are interesting. What to Eat is gleaned from that and many other health studies and is fundamentally sound.

Fresh is Best!Recently, Center for Science in the Public Interest has posted their take on this. Fresh veggies are still best. See the article.

Low Energy Density Foods For many years, it has been understood that low energy density foods are fabulous for you for many reasons. Recently, the Journal of Dietetics put it to the test

Low-energy-density diets are associated with high diet quality in adults in the United States.

In short, foods low in calories, but high in nutrients, water and fiber aid in digestion, weight loss and nutirition. Where to get them? Look more here..

The Diet Disconnect

Eating to Fuel Exercise Here is a good Q&A by Tara Parker-Pope on fueling for your activity .

The Case for Real Food Nutrients in food are likely more numerous than we know. Here is an article from the New York Times discussing it.

Eating to Fuel Exercise Here is a good Q&A by Tara Parker-Pope on fueling for your activity .

Food is Irresitible! Why??I recommend this book by Dr. Kessler, titled "The End of Overeating. If you want to know what the food industry does to make food irresistible to you, look here. A YouTube video

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