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Recipes and Cooking - Cooking Ideas

Cooking ideas

Sometimes the methods are the trick. Start with good ingredients and then prepare them carefully. The healthiest of meals can result.

Crepes and a Meal Idea Crepes are so good for so many things. Fill them with fruit, fat free cream cheese for a great dessert. included is even another idea!

Stir-Fry Tips Stir Frying can produce a very healthy and satisfying meal. Quick and easy, follow these tips and expand the variety of items!

Sauce Basics Sauces..Brown, White, Dessert. And some suggestions. All good!

DoughsMake a quick or risen dough for many uses.

Oven Frying Making Fried Foods can be a problem. Getting that crisp coating and flavor without the fat is possible in the oven using the right technique. Look here for the method and recipes.

Mock Potatoes Do you love potato, potato salad and mashed potatoes? They can be calorie dense. For something lighter that can be used the same way, look what you can do. Suggestions Included. A much lower calorie choice!

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